Every year I produce a calendar showcasing some of my favourite images from the last while. I honestly love producing the calendar as it always gives me something to shoot for. Throughout the year, I always have a count in mind for how many images I’ve got slotted into the next calendar, and that really keeps me out there shooting. The calendar is really a daily reminder for the magic and beauty that surrounds us – every time I look at the calendar hanging in my home, I’m inspired to think about the next photography outing. I truly hope it inspires all those who hang one in their home, or office, or give it as a gift.
This year’s calendar is a special one. It includes a number of images from my home province of Ontario, an incredible mountain scene from Alberta, a number of scenes from both the Yukon territory and Nunavut, and even a potentially once-in-a-lifetime solar event. And it’s my 10th calendar produced no less! I’m really excited to share my calendar this year, and I hope you’re excited to see it.